
Resources By Category

The Diverse Corn Belt Project’s activities include focus groups, visioning sessions, in-field work, educational modules, surveys, and more. See highlights from our research, presentations, publications, and more in our yearly summaries.

Year 3 Highlights Flyer

Year 2 Results Flyer

Year 2 Results Newsletter

Members of the Diverse Corn Belt Project Team have published journal articles, presented information at several conferences, and crafted Extension publications. Each of these publications is related to DCB goals of researching agricultural diversification at the farm, market, and landscape levels. Click on a category below to learn more.


Years 1-2

Markets for Diversifying Agriculture: Case Studies of the U.S. Midwest

Katherine Pivaral and Linda Prokopy. 2024

Farmer Perspectives on 4R Plus, Cover Crops, and Soil Health. Extension Report SOC3103. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Extension.

Arbuckle, J. 2022

Evaluation of multiple baseline SWAT simulations for the Des Moines River and Skunk River Watersheds in central Iowa. Science of the Total Environment. 839: 156302.

Brighenti, T.A., P.W. Gassman, K.E. Schilling, R. Srinivasan, M. Liebman and J.R. Thompson. 2022.

Validation of fruits and vegetable growth parameters for SWAT model crop yield simulations in Iowa. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture.

Brighenti, T.M., N. ÄOEerkasova, T.F. Stone, P.W. Gassman, J.G. Arnold, J.R. Kiniry, J.R. Thompson, M. Liebman, M. Meki, R. Srinivasan, A. Nair and M.J. White. 2023.

Accessing the influence of a bias correction method on future climate scenarios using SWAT as an impact model indicator. Water. 15(4): 750

Brighenti , T.M., P.W. Gassman, W.J. Gutowski and J.R. Thompson. 2023

SWAT model comparison between two methods for calculating tile-drain flow via spatial and temporal calibration. Journal of the ASABE

Brighenti , T.M., P.W. Gassman, W.J. Gutowski and J.R. Thompson. 2023.

Overcoming the Hurdle: Addressing Implementation of Agricultural Best Management Practices (BMPs) Through a Social Science Lens. STAC Publication Number 22-002, Edgewater, MD. 107

Collins, L., Stephenson, K., Palm-Forster, L., Power, L., Gibson, A., Arbuckle, J., Handen, A., and Read, D. 2022.

A Guide to 23 Global Syntheses of Plant Diversity Effects: Unpacking Consensus and Incongruence across Trophic Levels. The Quarterly Review of Biology, 98(3), 121-148.

Holmes, K. D., & Blubaugh, C. K. (2023).

Comparative Simulation of Crop Productivity, Soil Moisture and Nitrate-N Leaching Losses for Intermediate Wheatgrass and Maize in Minnesota using the DSSAT Model. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, section Agroecology and Ecosystem Services 7: DOI 10.3389/fsufs.2023.1010383

Mulla, D.J., M. Tahir and J. M. Jungers. 2023.

Measuring and Predicting Iowa Farmers Current and Potential Future Use of Cover Crops. Society & Natural Resources 36(7):755-775. doi: 10.1080/08941920.2023.2183442.

Nowatzke, Laurie W., and J. G. Arbuckle. 2023.

The Social Factors Influencing Cover Crop Adoption in the Midwest: A Controlled Comparison. Environmental Management. 72; 614-629.

Popovici, Ruxandra, Pranay Ranjan, Mazie Bernard, Emily Usher, Kris Johnson, Linda Prokopy. 2023.

Cover Crop Practices in Iowa 20152020. Staff Report 22-SR 119. Ames, IA: Center for Agricultural and Rural Development.

Singh, S., A. Plastina, & J. Arbuckle. 2022.

Individual- and County-Level Factors Associated with Farmers Use of 4R Plus Nutrient Management Practices. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 78 (5): 41229.

Upadhaya, S., J. G. Arbuckle, and L. A. Schulte. 2023.

Farmer Typologies Integrating Latent and Observed Characteristics: Insights for Soil and Water Conservation Outreach. Land Use Policy 134 (November): 106889.

Upadhaya, Suraj, J. G. Arbuckle, and Lisa A. Schulte. 2023.

Policy process and problem framing for state Nutrient Reduction Strategies in the US Upper Mississippi River Basin. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 78(1), 7081.

Wardropper, C. B., Genskow, K., Lavoie, A., Franklin, D., Usher, E., Wilke, A., Arbuckle, J., Jackson-Smith, D., Prokopy, L., & Rissman, A. 2023.

Predicting nitrate-N losses from farm fields in the Rogers Creek Watershed, MN for alfalfa, Kernza, and winter camelina crop rotations using the SWAT model. Frontiers in Agronomy, section Agroecological Cropping Systems 5

Wilson, G.L., D.J. Mulla, N.R. Jordan, J.M. Jungers and B.A. Gordon.

Barriers and Opportunities for Diversification. UIUC Critical Conversations Workshop, Chicago, IL

Prokopy, Linda. September 2023.

Iowa Farm and Rural Life Poll: 2022 Summary Report. Extension Report SOC3105. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Extension.

Arbuckle, J. and C. Morris. 2022.

Testing the Affect of Modified Sense of Place, Conservation Ethic, and Good Farmer Identity Measures on Predicting the Adoption of Cover Crops in Working Landscapes in Iowa. Society & Natural Resources, 0(0), 121.

Bennett, E. A., Burnham, M., Ulrich-Schad, J. D., Arbuckle, J. G., Eaton, W. M., Church, S. P., Eanes, F. R., Cross, J. E., & Williamson, M. A. 2023.

Imagining a Diverse Corn Belt 2023 Illinois Stewardship Alliance Soil Health Week. March 10, 2023. Accessed 9/29/2023. 33 registrants.

Blubaugh, C., Maynard, L., Traldi, R., Usher, E., Prokopy, L.

Expanding Crop Rotation Options and the Diverse Corn Belt Project. Illinois Indiana Extension Climate Series. August 24, 2023.

Asprooth L., Usher, E.

Year 3

Safer to plant corn and beans? Navigating the challenges and opportunities of agricultural diversification in the U.S. Corn Belt. Agriculture and Human Values.

Traldi, R., Asprooth, L., M. Usher, E., Floress, K., Arbuckle, J. G., Baskerville, M., Church, S. P., Genskow, K., Harden, S., Maynard, E. T., Thompson, A. W., Torres, A. P., & Prokopy, L. S. 2024.

What’s good for the land Is good for the farmer: Investigating conservation-related variables as predictors of farmers’ job satisfaction. Rural Sociology 89(2):311–34. doi: 10.1111/ruso.12543.

Gao, Lijing, and J. G. Arbuckle. 2024.

The effects of collective trauma on Iowa farmers, their communities, and sustainability outcomes. Agriculture and Human Values.

Morris, C., & Arbuckle, J. 2024.

The Regulatory Landscape of Livestock Anaerobic Digesters and Renewable Natural Gas. Journal of Animal and Environmental Law 15 (1): 1–47.

Korkut, E, M. Helbing, L.B. Fowler, L.A. Schulte, J.G. Arbuckle, F. Stagner, and F. Montabon. 2023.

Farmer typologies integrating latent and observed characteristics: Insights for soil and water conservation outreach. Land Use Policy 134 (November): 106889.

Upadhaya, Suraj, J.G. Arbuckle, and L.A. Schulte. 2023.

Individual- and county-level factors associated with farmers’ use of 4R Plus nutrient management practices. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 78 (5): 412–29.

Upadhaya, S., J.G. Arbuckle, and L.A. Schulte. 2023.

Measuring and predicting Iowa farmers’ current and potential future use of cover crops. Society & Natural Resources 36(7):755-775. doi: 10.1080/08941920.2023.2183442.

Nowatzke, Laurie W., and J. G. Arbuckle. 2023.

Comparison of two tile-drain methods in SWAT via temporal and spatial testing for an Iowa watershed. Journal of the ASABE. 66(6). 1555-1569.

Brighenti, T.M., P.W. Gassman, J.R. Thompson and J.G. Arnold. 2023.

Validation of fruits and vegetable growth parameters for SWAT model crop yield simulations in Iowa. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (in review).

Brighenti, T.M., N. Čerkasova, T.F. Stone, P.W. Gassman, J.G. Arnold, J.R. Kiniry, J.R. Thompson, M. Liebman, M. Meki, R. Srinivasan, A. Nair and M.J. White. 2024.

Flower diversity on organic farms increases invasive fire ants rather than non-invasive predators. Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 26, 159-170.

Sparer, A.E., Madden, M.M., and Blubaugh, C.K. 2024.

Cover crops dismantle keystone ant/aphid mutualisms to enhance insect pest suppression and weed biocontrol. (Revision submitted to Agricultural and Forest Entomology)

Blubaugh, C.K., Huss, C.P., Lindell, H.C., and Basinger, N.T.

Poorly drained depressions can be hotspots of nutrient leaching from agricultural soils. Journal of Environmental Quality.

Hall, S., C. G. Tenesaca, N.C. Lawrence, D.I.S. Green, M.J. Helmers, W.G. Crumpton, E.A. Heaton, A. VanLoocke. 2023.

Interviews with farmers from the US Corn Belt highlight opportunity for improved decision support systems and continued structural barriers to farmland diversification. Precision Agriculture

Nowatzke M., Gao L., Dornich M., Heaton E.A., VanLoocke A. 2024.

Diverse weed communities predict increased yields and natural pest suppression across multiple crops. (Submitted)

Blubaugh, C.K., Behnke, M., Madden, M.K., Ryan, A.B., Cutulle, M.A.

Artificial Intelligence Text-to-image Tools for Participatory Design. (Submitted)

Awashra, I., Thompson, A., Genskow, K., Arbuckle, J.


Years 1-2

Status quo, transformation, collapse: Potential futures of agriculture in the Midwestern United States. International Association for Society and Natural Resources Conference. June 12-15, 2023. Portland, Maine

AFloress, K., M. Baskerville, S.P. Church, S. Harden, L. Maynard, L.S. Prokopy, M. Tiboris, A. Thompson, R. Traldi, E. Usher. (2023).

Barriers, Opportunities, and the Future of Agricultural Diversification in the Corn Belt: Farmer’s Perspectives. International Association for Society and Natural Resources Conference. June 12-15, 2023. Portland, Maine.

Traldi, R., E. Usher, L. Asprooth, J. Arbuckle, S.P. Church, K. Floress, A. Torres, L.S. Prokopy. (2023).

Sociology of soil and water conservation in agriculture: What have we learned, and where are we headed? Plant to Table: Food Production, Culture, and Consequences on the Great Plains, Center for Great Plains Studies 48th Conference. Lincoln, NE, April 20, 2023. (120)

Arbuckle, J.G.

A Stepladder toward Adoption of Multiple Complementary Conservation Practices: Iowa Farmers’ Concurrent Use of No-Till, Cover Crops, and Extended Rotations. Soil and Water Conservation Society Annual Conference, August 9, 2023. (32)

Nowatzke, L. and J. Arbuckle.

Grass to Gas: Stakeholder Perspectives on the Development of a Hypothetical On-Farm Perennial Grass-Based Renewable Natural Gas Production Value Chain. Soil and Water Conservation Society Annual Conference, August 8, 2023. (17)

Morris, C. and J. Arbuckle.

Global warming’s “Six Americas” among Iowa farmers: Employing a short climate change survey to explore differential attitudes within a subpopulation. International Association for Society and Natural Resources Annual Conference, Portland, ME, June 13, 2023. (25)

Nowatzke, L. and J. Arbuckle.

Combining social willingness & ecological potential to assess biomassbased biogas production potential. 2023 American Association of Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting. Denver, March 23-27, 2023.

Upadhaya, S., Arbuckle, J.G., & Mba-Wright, Mark.

Adoption of Agricultural Conservation Practices: Focus on Drainage Management. Learning from Leaders: Accelerating the Adoption of Conservation Drainage Webinar, Agricultural Drainage Management Coalition. January 26, 2023. (40)

Arbuckle, J. and L.S. Prokopy.

What is Regenerative Ag? UIUC Extension Crop Management Conference, Urbana, Dekalb, and online (~300 people)

Heaton E.A. and Becker, T. (February 2023)

Presentation to UIUC Extension’s Farm Assets Conference, Savoy, IL (Nov 2022, 400 people)

Heaton E.A.

Envisioning a Diverse and Resilient Corn Belt Sustainable Ag Summit, November 17th, 2022, Phoenix, AZ

Prokopy, L., Harden, S., Clark, R., (2022)

Social science research informing sustainability efforts. Corteva Sustainability Leadership Team Meeting. June 23, 2023. (22)

Arbuckle, J.

Presentation on Comet Farm for diversified crop rotations to Martin Farms, 5,000 acres in Alabama

Delaney, K. and Heaton E.A. (March 2023)

Understanding the Role of Microbes in Soil Organic Matter Building and Functioning, Beck Agricultural Center, West Lafayette, IN, Jan 24, 2023.

Rui, Yichao.

Soil Health and C Building in Row Crop and Pasture Systems, Indiana Grazing Schools talk. Southern Indiana Purdue Agricultural Center, Dubois, IN, June 10, 2023.

Rui, Yichao.

Soil Health and C Building in Row Crop and Pasture Systems, Indiana Grazing Schools talk. Randolph County Extension Office, Winchester, IN, June 16, 2023.

Rui, Yichao.

IL Regenerative Ag Initiative spring public convening, online (April 2023; 25 Extension and public diversified agriculture stakeholders)

DiverseCornBelt: Visioning What Can Come Next. Purdue University Institute for a Sustainable Future. February 2, 2023

Prokopy, L., Thompson, A,.

Diverse Corn Belt: Visioning What Can Come Next Purdue University Farm Policy study group, February 11th, 2023

Usher, E.,

Updates from the DiverseCornBelt: Enhancing Rural Resilience through Landscape Diversity in the Midwest Soil and Water Conservation Society Conference, August 6-9, 2023. Des Moines, IA

Asprooth, L., Gassman, P., Gramig, B., Prokopy, L., Schilling, K., Usher, E.,

Sustainability & Diversification Practices & Demands of the US Fresh Produce & Food Retail Industry. Illinois State University Research Symposium April 14th, 2023. Bloomington, IL

Ackah, R., Spaulding, A. (2023).

Diversifying the Corn Belt: Is There a Role for Horticultural Food Crops? American Horticultural Society, July 2023. Orlando, Florida.

Asprooth, L., Prokopy, L., Maynard, E., Traldi, R., Usher, E., Torres, A., Ulloa Gomez, M.

The Social Dimension of Agricultural Conservation. NRCS Soil Health Training, West Lafayette, IN.

Prokopy, Linda. June 2023.

Overview of the Diverse Corn Belt Project. Colorado State University, Departmental Seminar, Fort Collins, CO.

Prokopy, Linda. September 2023.

Year 3

Grass to gas?: Multi-stakeholder perspectives on the development of a grass-based biogas value chain. Rural Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Madison, WI, July 27, 2024. (22)

Stagner, F., C. Morris, J. Arbuckle, L. Fowler, M. Helbing, C. Hinrichs, F. Montabon.

Structural factors associated with collective trauma in Iowa farmers. Rural Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Madison, WI, July 25, 2024. (30)

Morris, C. and J. Arbuckle.

Grass to gas?: Diverse stakeholder perspectives on the development of a hypothetical grass-based biogas production value chain. Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Annual Conference, Syracuse, NY, June 6, 2024. (22)

Arbuckle, J. and C. Morris.

Historical and current perspectives on understanding farmers’ adoption of new practices: From hybrid corn to cover crops. Iowa Wildlife Society Winter Meeting. Ames, Iowa, February 28, 2024.

Arbuckle, J.

Regenerative agriculture: How are we doing, how can we do better? Expanding Regenerative Agriculture in Iowa Through R&D Workshop, ISU VPR, November 16, 2023.

Arbuckle, J.

ANR Extension and sustainability. Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Professional Development 2023. Ames, Iowa, October 16, 2023

Arbuckle, J.

Sociology of soil and water conservation in agriculture: What have we learned, and where are we headed? Nebraska Natural Resources Districts Annual Conference, September 25, 2023.

Arbuckle, J.

Managing no-till pumpkins with cover crops. Midwest Cover Crops Council Annual Meeting, Feb. 14, 2024. Indianapolis, IN.

Maynard, E. and Johanning, N.

When and why do greens bolt? Everything Local Conference, Jan. 17, 2024. Springfield, IL.

Maynard, E. and Rodriguez-Soto, M.

The market gaps in sustainable sourcing, providing preliminary results from all our surveys and offering insights into market diversification. Agricultural & Applied Economics Association, 2024, New Orleans.

Torres, A., Spaulding, A.

Assessing market opportunities for agricultural diversified farmers in Illinois, Indiana and Iowa. Research and Design Retreat hosted by the Department of Horticulture, Landscape, and Architecture. Purdue University. May 11, 2023.

Ulloa, C.

Agricultural Engineering challenges in existing and new agroecosystems (AgEng2024), Agricultural University of Athens, Greece, July 1-3, 2024.

2024 International SWAT Conference, Strasbourg, France, July 10-12.

Defining Diversity; Towards a shared understanding of agricultural diversification in the U.S. Corn Belt. Rural Sociology Conference, Madison WI, 25 July.

Asprooth, L. 2024.

Farmer and stakeholder engagement through the Diverse Corn Belt project. Growing Outreach Conference, Madison, WI, 22 August.

Asprooth, L., Usher, E., Prokopy, L. 2024.

Converting conventional cultivation: Identifying regenerative practices that maximize insect biodiversity. Entomological Society of America conference. Nov 6, 2023. National Harbor, Maryland. (1st place award in graduate student competition; section: biodiversity & evolution)

Elliott, C., and Kaplan, I.

Perennial biomass crops in a regenerative ag landscape. University of Illinois Extension Crop Management Conference. Sycamore, IL, and online.

Heaton E.A. 2024.

Biomass Innovation Hub. Presentation to Drax Global. Urbana, IL.

Heaton E.A. 2024.

Mxg variability: where, why, and what to do? Presentation to Alder Renewables. Urbana, IL

Roney H. and Heaton E.A. 2024.

Breaking down the science of ag and climate change. Conference on Building an Intersectional Philanthropic Approach hosted by Sustainable Ag and Food Systems Funders and Funders of Regenerative Agriculture. Minneapolis, MN.

Heaton E.A. 2024.

Advanced feedstocks for bioenergy and bioproducts. Special presentation to BP. Online.

Heaton E.A. 2024.

Strategically integrating perennials to achieve net zero. Inaugural Net Zero Workshop, Urbana, IL. (Presented at the University of Illinois Ag Property Services Day about integrating DCB cropping systems into university-owned land.)

Heaton E.A. 2024.

Multi-trophic consequences of biodiversity in agroecosystems. The Land Institute, Salina, KS. 2/2024 (Invited seminar; presented DCB preliminary results to ~30 participants.)

Multi-trophic consequences of biodiversity in agroecosystems. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Department of Entomology. 1/2024. (Invited seminar; presented DCB preliminary results to ~40 participants.)

Enhancing rural resilience through landscape diversity in the Midwest. Bi-State Crops Conference, Covington, IN. 12/2023. (Farmer-focused workshop; presented DCB plans & preliminary results to ~50 participants.)

Enhancing rural resilience through landscape diversity in the Midwest. Illinois Extension Conference, Springfield, IL. 11/2023. (Public-focused workshop; presented DCB plans & preliminary results to ~20 participants.)

Poster: Enhanced understanding of giant miscanthus through time-series satellite remote sensing. 2023 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 12/15/2023.

Poster: Miscanthus establishment, productivity, and profitability in farm pothole. 2023 American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO.

Session Five: Farm types and producer behavior. Agricultural Policy, Economics, and Diverse Farms and Farmers Virtual Conference presentation.

Extension Publications

Year 3

Iowa Farm and Rural Life Poll: 2023 Summary Report. Extension Report SOC3109. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Extension.

Arbuckle, J. 2023.

Farmers’ Attitudes and Behaviors Related to Weed and Herbicide Resistance Management. Extension Report SOC3108. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Extension.

Arbuckle, J., J. Hollis, and K. Dentzman. 2023.

Iowa Farmers’ Perspectives on Precision Agriculture. Extension Report SOC3107. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Extension.

Arbuckle, J., J. Hollis, and K. Dentzman. 2023.

STRIPS Collaborator Survey: 2022 Results. Technical Report No. 1064. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Extension Sociology.

Arbuckle, J. 2023.

Oat Variety Trial 2023. Practical Farmers of Iowa.

S. Gailans. 2023.

Cereal Rye and Triticale Variety Trial 2023. Practical Farmers of Iowa.

S. Gailans. 2023.

Cereal Rye and Triticale Variety Trial 2024. Practical Farmers of Iowa.

S. Gailans and E. Link. 2024.